

Chatypik is a training game that was created by Claire Combaluzier, Jérôme Ecochard, Bruno Schehr and Mireille Schehr.

Its objective is to introduce adults to the specificities of autism in a fun way.

This game can be used in particular during group workshops.

Concepteo was involved in advice and in graphics and production.


The skill game


Do you know what you are capable of?

This game was designed for Akanema to lead workshops on the skills development theme.

The skills game must make managers and recruiters aware of soft skills, but also support employees in identifying their skills.

Concepteo was involved in the design of the game, the content and the gameplay.

Material: 155 cards – 8 tokens – 1 die
Public: students and employees



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Engaged with SAM


You all know Sam: the one who drives is the one who doesn’t drink. Sam becomes the master of the game and has only one obligation: not a drop of alcohol!

Throughout the evening, he will launch funny and committed challenges to his occupants to obtain rewards…

The exemplary occupant who earns the most points wins the game!

This game designed in collaboration with Road Safety and psychologists, aims to raise awareness of road safety and maintain the Sam reflex. It was distributed for the first time at the Solidays Festival in Paris.

Concepteo was involved in the creation of content and gameplay.

Material: 20 cards

Public: Young people

Logo GPV Rilleux La-Pape



In search of the lost file


In search of the lost file is an Escape Game in the form of cards to detach.

This game is aimed at people of all ages living in Rillieux-la-Pape. The player takes the role of an investigator looking for a secret file scattered throughout the city. Riddles and locations help the player evolve in the investigation. 

Concepteo was involved in the conception, design and production of this game.

Material: 1 booklet of 16 pre-cut pages – 36 cards
Public: residents of Rillieux-la-Pape



Logo GPV Rilleux La-Pape

The prevention wheel


This game, designed by the city of Rillieux-la-Pape, aims to prevent various addictions among middle and high school students. The wheel defines the theme and the cards allow for discussion around a question and its answer.

Concepteo was involved in the design of these games and had unique pieces made.

Material: 1 counter wheel – 52 cards
Public: middle and high school students

Logo GPV Rilleux La-Pape



Question of skills
& Site file


The games Question of skills and Site file are aimed at Eurovia’s new managers.

These games are intended for people who have mastered the profession and were created to be played in pairs.

Concepteo was involved in the design and production of unique pieces.




Digital Platform
& UX Design


These games were designed by the Thales Digital Academy to educate employees on the use of a specific digital platform for new projects and on UX Design. 

Concepteo was involved in the design of these games and had unique pieces manufactured.

Material: 2 boards – 42 pieces – 144 cards
Public: employees in awareness

Logo Thales Academy



Big Data


The Big Data game puts players in the position of a Data Scientist who exploits the data at his disposal to calculate the metrics that will help the company to pursue its strategy.

This game is aimed at audiences who are not familiar with the subject. It is adapted to an individual or team game.

Concepteo was involved in the design of this game based on existing elements and in the design and manufacturing of unique pieces.

Material: 53 cards
Public: employees in awareness



La Copro of Possibles


The Copro of Possibles is a program to mobilize condominiums around energy savings designed for and with co-owners and trustees. 2 training-coaching courses are proposed to support collective decision-making and the success of an energy retrofit. Practical and lively learning facilitates dialogue, the implementation of beneficiaries and concrete results!

This program, which is 100% funded by the Certificats d’Économie d’Énergie (CEE), is supported by CS-Partner, winner of the call of projects of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.

Concepteo stepped in to finalize the rule of the training game created by CS Partners, imagine and realize the design of the game equipment and then have a series of 75 copies manufactured!



Cyber Security Awareness


The Cyber security awareness game was designed by Thales Digital Factory with the goal of understanding the main attacks used for a web application and the defense mechanisms associated with each type of attack.

This game is aimed at audiences who do not necessarily master computer sience. It is suitable for individual or team play.

Concepteo intervened to simplify this game so that it is accessible to all while maintaining the technicality necessary for such a subject and to realize the design and manufacture of unique pieces.





Cyber in the air


This game designed by Thales Digital Academy aims to raise awareness of computer hacking. It is aimed at audiences who do not master computer science. Participants choose their side: striker or defender?

Concepteo intervened to create the design of this game and to have unique pieces made.

Material : 1 board game – 2 hour glasses – 2 pawns – 50 cards
Public: employees in training



Getting out of the frame


Getting out of the Frame is the first game used in a recruitment session by a company to help candidates speak for themselves candidly while off the beaten track.

Concepteo intervened for the conception, the design and manufacture of this game.

Materials: 58 round cards
Public: adults in recruitment interview






Negovision is a trading game. Participants follow a 2-day training course that incorporates game sequences.


The game Negovision is made to be played in 3 rounds. The trainer completes the game with training inputs that allow you to progress through the game and thus move from one stage to the next.

Materials: 56 cards and 60 tokens
Public: employees in training, in groups of 4 to 12 players



Handi Quest Missions


Handi Quest Missions is the table version of the life-size game Handiquest. One goal: to make everyone understand the reality of disabilities.

Concepteo intervened to design this version without animator to play in teams of 2 to 4 people, or up to 16 participants.

Materials: 1 board game, 4 tokens, 81 cards, 16 Missions cards, 36 points markers, 1 rule
Public: employees of companies in team




Let’s talk about School Bullying


Concepteo has designed a kit to facilitate discussion, to make awareness of the reality and variety of situations of bullying, to understand the experiences of each of the actors and what can lead to such a situation.

Concepteo designed this kit with the help of school teachers, college teachers and psychologists.

Materials: 6 board games, 6 eraseable markers, 36 cards
Public: classes of up to 30 students from the third to the 3rd grade.





Handiquest is a game to raise awareness of disability situations in the company. Different types of disabilities, professional situations are addressed in order to remove taboos and especially preconceived ideas! This game was designed to be used with an animator and to be “pecked” by the participants

Concepteo intervened for the conception, the design and manufacture of this game.

Materials: 81 cards, 10 play floor mats, different simulation equipment
Public: company employees






Cékikoioukan aims to raise public awareness of urban change. It is through the history of the city of Rillieux La-Pape that players become aware of the evolution of this city.

Concepteo has been involved in conception, design and manufacturing. This game comes in 2 versions: life-size and table version.

Materials: 1 circular board game – 1 dice – 8 pawns – 183 cards
Public: children, adults, Rillieux residents!





How do I work with a disabled employee? This is the question to which the awareness game Boost tries to answer through different situations, challenges and questions.

Concepteo intervened for the conception, the design and manufacture of this game.

Materials: 180 large-format cards, 1 six feet giant wheel, various gaming equipment
Public: adult company employees




Build Rillieux


This game allows to build the city of tomorrow while respecting the constraints of urbanization and living together imposed by the game… and necessary in real life!

A giant 2m map of Rillieux la Pape welcomes the different strategies of the participants.

Concepteo intervened for the conception, the design and manufacture of this game.

Materials: 1 giant 2m board games composed by 7 soft vinyl board – 82 cards – wooden pieces
Public: children or adults, Rillieux residents





Recruit’me is a game used in job-seeking workshops to guide candidates and also put them in a position to recruit!

Concepteo intervened for the conception, the design and manufacture of this game.

Materials: 75 CV cards, offers, questions,personal life, qualities / defects
Public: adults away from employment, groups of 4 to 12 people