Coup d’Pouss | T’Hompouss

With Coup d’Pouss, developed for T’Hompouss, learn more about disability in the workplace.

How do you work with a disabled employee? That’s the question this awareness-raising game sets out to answer through a variety of scenarios, challenges and questions.

Participants take it in turns to spin the wheel and solve riddles, answer questions and experience situations involving disability.

They’ll have to be quick, work together or put themselves in a handicap situation. The questions are based on well-known games: “Questions pour un champion”, “Dessiner c’est gagner”, “Taboo”, “Le juste prix”, etc.

Concepteo was involved in the conception, design and production of this game.

Equipment: 180 large-format cards, 1 giant 1m80 wheel, various game materials
Public: adult company employees
